Iwrestledabearonce is part of the new movement in Punk/Thrash/Hardcore Rock toward the compositional elements of Progressive Rock. The Louisiana quintet is perhaps the most original and unique punk act to come along in the new millennium. Iwrestledabearonce is distinctive on so many levels its hard to know where to start. You'll hear comparisons to The Devil Wears Prada, but Iwrestledabearonce is bigger, faster, harder and more creative. Iwrestledabearonce's debut album, It's All Happening, will be released on June 2, 2009. Are you ready?
Iwrestledabearonce is a thrash metal band unafraid of incorporating electronic music into their sound and also has some serious Prog tendencies. I personally am not big on the screaming thing, but Krysta Cameron is a very sound vocalist when singing. You'll need a lyric book to follow along, and the songwriting can be downright chaotic, changing from stave to stave and even measure to measure between lyric, melodic rock and Thrash/Prog. You Ain't No Family establishes the base sound, but it's the second track, White Water In The Morning that truly throws down the gauntlet for listeners. The song is completely over the top, with Krysta Cameron really getting her scream on (particularly in the second half of the song). Danger In The Manger is manic and maniacal; have fun trying to keep up. Tastes Like Kevin Bacon is all over the map and would appear to incorporate a distinct sense of humor but remains undecipherable in at least some portions of the song. Other highlights include Pazuzu For The Win, Eli Cash Vs. the Godless Savages and See You In Shell.
Iwrestledabearonce is going to be huge. Sitting at the forefront of a new movement in hardcore music, this Prog/Thrash behemoth is just a little bit faster and a little bit better than anyone currently on the scene. That's not to say other bands won't catch up, but the chaotic nature of the songwriting is bound to make bands like Yes and King Crimson applaud in appreciation. It's All Happening is a pretty heavy record and won't be appreciated by everyone, but the Artpunk crowd should elevate Iwrestledabearonce to icon status.